Thursday, 7 July 2011

Progress 07/07/2011

Chinese Total: 63 minutes
Anki review = 8m
Writing composition about hearing chainsaws during the night = 18m
Confidence Chinese lesson 19 = 10m
Listening to the news = 7m
Wrote a message to someone on Livemocha - 20m

German Total: 59 minutes
German<-> English cognates = 12m
German Genders = 5m
German present tense verbs = 19m
German Anki input = 3m
Busuu German A1 Willkommen =10m

Only started dipping my toes into German a few days ago. Some part seem quite daunting such as the case system, verb second rules and 'hugewordsthislong' but that should get easier with more exposure.

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