Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Anki/Chinese update

Been working through some good sites for learning Chinese:

The latter two are by the same people but one is a more updated version, not sure which though. They follow the same lessons but have different example sentences. This is good for my anki sentence deck which currently has 244 sentences with the vocabulary I've accumulated from the lessons I've completed. A thing that struck me however was when I was browsing through how-to-learn-any-language's forum and I came across a post which suggests that Khatzumoto's method of learning languages through 10000 sentences was a natural progress in that he didn't copy down 10000 sentences into a notebook but he came to know 10000 sentences through repeated exposure and listening and consciously picking up on sentence structures he'd never came across before. This was significant to me as I realised that in the past, I was quick to acculumate lots of sentences and put them into Anki but I rarely reviewed them more than once or twice. So I'm making the effort to continuously expose myself to the vocabulary, grammar and sentences in Anki rather than just neglecting them after submitting them into the deck.

Monday, 1 February 2010

January progress


20 / 300 words. 7% done!


/ 300 words. 0% done!


/ 300 words. 0% done!


322 / 300 words. 107% done!

Unfortunately for me, what I achieved in January concerning goals is almost non-existant, with the exception of Mandarin. I would like to be able to blame it on college and homework but I would be fooling myself if I said I'd spent zealous amounts of time studying. Unfortunately, this month I have prelims/mock exams and I will have to study but hopefully this won't result in me neglecting my languages.